Friday, January 27, 2012

Back to square one

Something that we all have heard a lot is that the only thing constant in this life is change. Yes, change. Just looking back at the last few years of my life this statement becomes blatantly obvious to me. Just about a year back I was in a very happy relationship with my sweetheart thinking that “Yeah! This is the life”. Who would have guessed that the one person whom I loved the most would stop even acknowledging the fact that I exist. Yes it’s a sad thought, but that’s just the way is. I wish I could make things right, but I cant. So what is the point of me writing down all this? I am doing this just to organize my thoughts and so that I can get a move on with my life. I have to concentrate on what’s positive and happening in my life right now. There is no point in thinking about what is not. Firstly I am working with the largest private power generation company in India. So professionally I am ok. Now coming to my personal life I am a witty, fun and compassionate person. So yeah I am good to go.

At times just penning down stuff like this relaxes your mind to the extent that you feel like going and sleeping. To cut to the chase – Life is about the here and now. Live in the moment. You can’t manipulate life. It manipulates you, so as long as you are alive enjoy the ride. Develop tastes; learn to enjoy the small things in life. See what works for you. It will take time, but you will get there. Hold a friend’s hand if you need at least till you get back to that happy place in life.



Sunday, January 22, 2012

Strength of Character

When your mind is muddled with a billion thoughts and when nothing around you makes no sense it is very easy to make stupid choices. Strength of Character is what I am talking about. Not everyone has it, but anyone optimistic covets.Strength of character is nothing but taking a stand and sticking to it regardless of the opposition you face thereafter.

They say that man is a social animal. Yes! he is, but that does not mean that he has to go with the flow and do any and every atrocity there is to be done. According to me atrocity is not just not what is conveyed in the dictionaries, but it is every single action that you take which eventually hurts another individual.Everyday over a billion atrocities are committed and very often even a single atrocity committed hurts someone else more than once and in some cases it for an entire lifetime.What of that ? Can it be quantified? No !! Obviously not!!

The point I am trying to make is that when the whole world around you tells you that your wrong, take a minute and think it through and then if you are able to explain your stand with any logic you have and deep down you know that you are right then from that moment on stick to it. If you are able to stick to it no matter what kinda crap is thrown your way by the rabble,friends and even family then that my friends is what Strength of character is. It is this Strength of Character that defines society. Not too many people have it and it is those select few that are capable of setting paths. No decision or thought is ever right or wrong. All morals,values etc that is deemed right in today's world are considered right because of the strength of character of some in the past.

Trying to live your life trying to be someone your not is foolishness.Be yourself however weird you are, but yeah remember " atrocity" . I might sound like a Hippocratic right now , but I am confident that you can use your common sense in judging what atrocity means.

You were created unique.. mediocrity is not for you.
